I tried so hard not to hurt my mom's feelings, but all I could do was just lay in bed and cry for most of the day. I was so overwhelmed with hurt. I guess part of it was, this is one day where Momma makes me feel special, but I couldn't bare the thought of being nothing for another 364 days, so I couldn't allow it today.
My cousin couldn't even be arsed to wish me a happy birthday, but then again, I don't matter to her unless she feels guilty or needs something. Harsh, true, but it's the truth. I closed the doors on her today, I'm tired of her hurting me. I don't need that in my life. I don't need her excuses, they're nothing but her lazy way of telling me she doesn't like me. She doesn't seem to make the same excuses to her friends. Well, at least the ones she likes. I'm never letting her back in. In fact, I'm getting rid of a lot of people who do nothing but use me for what they can get out of me. The last person I slammed the door on isn't even worth mentioning, I just hope the next person they get a hold of, they appreciate, rather than have their arm stuck out and their fingers opening and closing in a silent demand of "More. Give me more."
I didn't get any work done. Kate's net was busy masturbating itself into a coma or something. *Sighs*
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